Thursday, July 15, 2010

Single State Of Man

These little gems come all the way from Germany. They combine mesmerizing post-rock with screamo singing. They've been compared with post-rock pioneers "Explosions In The Sky", but SSoM has a few distinctive differences that keeps them much higher in my book. They don't have songs that last for 15 minutes (I do understand that sometimes it is needed to "break the line" so to speak and have a fucking long song, but if a band continually forces it, it becomes boring and unimaginative). So in that matter SSoM have developed their music. By putting screamo parts unexpectedly that blend in amazingly perfect with post-rock tunes they achieve one thing that lacks a lot of post rock bands-DYNAMICS and NOT BORING THE PERSON WHO LISTENS TO DEATH. For band members and shit, google it.

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